Angie Campion, candidate MP for Richmond and Northallerton. Standing for disability rights and rights for the elderly.

Easy-Read Policies:


Make stricter rules to stop cars from parking on pavements. This will make walking safer for disabled and elderly people.

Give more money to help deaf athletes go to the Deaflympics. This will help them train and compete.e

Increase punishments for people who hurt, abuse, or neglect disabled and elderly individuals. This will protect them better.

Allow carers to earn more money before losing their Carer's Allowance. This will help carers have a better life while taking care of others.

Encourage schools to teach students how to face problems to help students handle challenges better.

Let people borrow money from the government to pay for care. This way, they don’t have to sell their homes and can stay healthier and happier at home.

Make sure disabled and elderly people have same-sex carers for intimate care. This will protect their safety and dignity.

Use money from the overseas development fund to improve homes for soldiers. This will give them better living conditions.

Money for hospital diversity staff will be used to train and hire disabled people to help other patients. Disabled people know how to overcome problems and can help others do the same.

Change court rules so veterans with mental health problems are not punished for being too sick to attend court. This will give them the support they need.

  • Let young people skip university to learn farming. After five years, give them a loan to help start their own farm if they have a good plan

Increase punishments for stealing from farms, tradesmen, and businesses. This will help protect their ability to earn a living.

  • New dentists must work for three years in the NHS before they can work in private practice. This ensures everyone has access to dental care.

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  • Each year show which police forces are best at stopping burglaries. This will make police work harder to stop burglaries.

Make new schools that teach plumbing, building, hairdressing and beauty therapy and others.